Our Vision
To be a church rooted in Christ, abiding in the great tradition of Christian worship and growing in the grace of the Holy Spirit, so that in Him lives and culture are transformed, in the Pacific Northwest and to the ends of the Earth.
Our Mission
To help restore us all to unity with God and each other in Christ. Through the ministry of all its members, the church pursues this in our prayer, worship, proclamation of the gospel, and promotion of God’s justice, peace, and love.
Our Values
At the beginning, and the end, of the day is Jesus: the way, the truth, and the life. The urgency of his call to repentance, and the promise of abundant life in him for all who believe, is at the center of everything we aim to do and become.
Preserving Christ-centered worship that encounters God in the authority of his Word and the assurance of his Sacraments, through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Depositing the true faith through Christian education that is historic, orthodox, and creedal.
Extending Jesus' welcome to others and pursuing life together in all of its ordinary splendor.
Providing humble care for the poor and loving them for the sake of Jesus Christ.
Embracing, and being shaped by, the distinctives of our neighbors and our place.
Beauty & the Arts
Pursuing, uncovering, and celebrating the grandeur of God in all of creation.
Proclaiming the good news of the incarnation to the whole person, through all of the senses.